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Welcome to my blog. I am a photographer and videographer. Who said 1 cant have both? The shoutbox and my video links are at the bottom. Pls do leave your comments :)

Monday, May 26, 2003

Living with SARS..ettiquettes change. People at business and social meetings would exchange thermometer readings b4 exchanging name cards.Their real reason, of course, was to show off the type , brand and price of their thermometers. After houses and cars, thermometers become the next status nation one, one temperature, one Singapore. Singapore will come to have- in addition to a national flower, national colours and national pastime (eating)-a national number 37 -I.Smag

Hope tt this week starts well and ends well...well many things have changed since the past two or three weeks hope we are not caught by e unsettling times...change is usually unwelcomed but necessary..wish the best to us remember us in ur prayers.. Instructions passed..standing orders..the way pple work can be changed a signature on a piece of paper, a dial of the pls think abt others b4 u make decisions..
It sux being caught in e winds of change...the new changes will make us very uncomfortable...

Quote of the week:(bit slow so cannot absorb tt fast..=))
He is no fool who gives up what he cannot keep, to gain what he cannot lose.

which is a better investment??...keep it simple..=) its only a six letter word...

Read this when i was super distracted from e sermon...
"1 Cor 15:33
Do not be misled: "Bad company corrupts good character." Come back to your senses as you ought to,and stop sinning; for there are some some who are ignorant of God- I say this to your shame"...
haizzz..nv really reflect on my behaviour n whether it stumbles a brother or causes someone else to shy from knowing God

"1 cor 15:42..

The body tt is sown is perishable,
It is sown in dishonour;
It is raised in glory;
It is sown in weakness,
It is raised in power
It is sown a natural body,
It is raised a spiritual body.."

Yesterdae's sermon was like catching raindrops from e hard to grasp..but managed well at least i stayed awake..improvement hehe~
caught some points caused me to start tinking abt my walk wif God again...
"e spiritual being will grow n grow unless u dont feed it"..
"Poverty is living within our needs"...needs not wants....

Saturday, May 24, 2003 wrongly...aahh..all my work!!

Saturday, May 17, 2003

Quite disappointed with myself..had an ippt todae. Missed cdo gold by 3 secs!!!..felt i haven put in enough effort. But suprisingly i could jump 243 for standing broad is it called standing broad jump anyway. Hasnt been a good day...Csm told us to take e little kitten we have been rearing back home scolded by Csm n OC for bad conduct n for not taking care of our stores plus no moer mondae morning book ins coz we did do area cleaning last how we know?? was our first attempt at booking in on fair!!....RSM wants to make camp life more regimental..aarrgghh!!! We are one year old soldiers mind him..wat march from pt to pt n singing songs along e way..gonna dread e next year...get mi out of here!!...Hmm..seems like everyone has a problem with us..RSM lahz..FSM lahzz..CSM lahz..OC lahzz..wonder where is cheerful chap hope he doesnt turn against us =)

Hmmm...great...this works!!..haha..

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