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Thursday, September 11, 2003

For all road cyclist.

1. Don't check blindspots before you swerve out to avoid something close to the edge of the road? (Especially those who haven't learn to drive). I noticed SHITLOADS of riders in togoparts that are guilty of this
2. Ride without proper safety equipment.(helmet, shoes and gloves at least)
3. Beat red lights blatently.
4. Don't ride in a single file
5. Have no lights/reflectors on their bikes.
6. Don't use proper hand signals to indicate your intentions.
7. Listening to music at almost full blast, oblivious to the audio warnings of the environment.
8. Answer to calls/sms on your mobile phones while on the road
9. Drafting vehicles, especially buses can be fun but note the risk you're taking.
10. Don't bother slowing down or stopping at totally blind corners.
11. Rarely occurs but happens : Ride on shoulder lane of expressway.
12. Spook pedestrians by zooming pass them. (The elderly, children and pregnant women especially)
13. Make intimidating hand/vocal gestures at drivers.
14. Crowd around the front cars at red lights when you all should be in a single file on the left.
15. Have no idea how to properly negotiate a right arrow turn.(IF you can't handle it, GET OFF THE BIKE AND WALK ACROSS THE PEDESTRIAN GREEN MAN CROSSING)
16. Jumping onto kerbs and back on the road (A moment on the road, a moment on the pavement and back). Its very confusing and risky to yourself as drivers don't know whether you're on or off the road.
17. Speed up at a hump to take jump, when you actually are supposed to slow down.

*hangs head in shame*
Ride safe guys.
Hmm..its time to get front blinking lights.
11 accidents is too many..

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